Land Acknowledgement
I want to acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded lands of the Duwamish and Coastal Salish peoples who were the original inhabitants and stewards of Seattle and the Puget Sound. No matter where you find yourself on Turtle Island, you are also on stolen land. You can choose to ignore this fact. You can choose to say, well that was a long time ago, that has nothing to do with me. However, you can instead choose to shift your perspective and accept that while it may not have been your choice to be born on stolen land, that you can do your part towards reparation in the present. That reparation can take many forms. Some actions may include paying a land tax to the original inhabitants of your land, as well as, educating yourself on the Land Back movement. Which is not a movement that seeks to oppress or displace peoples currently living on stolen land, but instead one that seeks to return the ownership and stewardship of that land back to those from which it was taken and ensure that all inhabitants of that land have equal rights.